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Why team work is the key to fitness


Carrying the example of the Great Britain women’s hockey team through to the gym scenario, could it be that team work is the missing key for getting fit? You see, when it comes to exercise, like most other things, we are tribal.

Train like our Olympic cyclists


As the UK cyclists continue to dominate at the Rio 2016 Olympics, some of the team have taken a few minutes to share their thoughts on becoming a competitive cyclist. Before hearing from the Olympians, it is worth considering just how many different forms of cycling are available to us – whether we are an aspiring Laura Trott or Jason Kenny, or simply want to get out and about on two wheels.

Pilates fitness class

Avoiding hamstring injuries


Hamstring injuries are a common complaint for athletes. They can be very painful, quite debilitating and hard to fix properly. Once you have had a hamstring strain then it increases the likelihood that you will have another one at some point.

Balance is the key to health

Health and fitness

What is becoming more and more apparent is the need to mix up the groups a little to avoid overuse and stress injuries. There are many benefits to putting your body under stress, doing tough workouts, running hard paces and lifting heavy weights – and you will tend to do these types of exercise in the activity that you are most knowledgable about and comfortable with. But, these workouts are not right for our lives if they are the only things we do.

Buddy up


Getting fit and reaching your health goals is a personal and individual thing, right?

Well, while it is true that no-one else can do your fitness work for you; no-one else can get you up, put your gym kit on and walk you into the gym, there is a lot to be said for team work once you are there.

The SMARTer route to fitness

Health and fitness
The KK Sports Centre

When you join a gym or sign up with a personal trainer, you are committing to getting more active and leading a healthy life style. But how do you keep motivated to exercise regularly and eat healthy meals? What will stop you from slipping back into lazy ways? How will you maintain the impetus to get down to the gym or out for a run?