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Get a last burst of daylight


There are still a few days left before you have to abandon your evening runs and bike rides, so let’s take a look at a few outdoor exercises that you can do while there is still enough light and warmish temperatures.

couple chasing

Keeping fit while raising a family


Keeping fit while raising a family is a challenge that many people are facing right now. Lost sleep, demands on your time, demands on your attention, let’s face it, going to the gym and keeping your body at peak fitness is hardly at the top of your priorities when you are also being mum or dad. But there isn’t any reason why you can’t get some exercise in during your child-raising years, it is just a matter of compromise and imagination.

Pump It Up fitness class

Spinning a success story


The benefits of spinning are there for all to see: low impact on the joints, high cardio rate – spinners work at 75-96% of their maximum heart rate, great music to take your mind off the pain and no slippery roads or irate car drivers to negotiate on your bike.

Running your way to fitness


Our latest article focuses on the exercise that is the simplest and, to my mind, the most effective way of keeping fit and healthy – running.

Whatever your level at the moment, running is an activity which always offers room for personal improvement as well as new challenges.

Marathon Runner

Rowing fitness for everyone


Rowing is under-rated as a source of cardio vascular exercise. The rowing machine is the only cv machine that truly works your upper body muscles and, when you are rowing, it really is all or nothing. Rowing fitness is a great way to all-round high levels of fitness.

Pump It Up fitness class

Moving on to a new chapter


Whether you are a 17-year-old deciding it is time to hang up your netball kit to concentrate on ‘A’ Levels, a 30-year-old who has come to the end of a starry soccer career, someone whose sporting excellence was cut short by injury, or just someone deciding enough is enough – moving on at the end of an all-consuming sporting career is a difficult decision.
Whatever the reason, there is no need for anyone to completely turn their back on sport. Just as one door closes, so another may well open.


Should I be exercising with a cold?


It is that time of year when we all eventually succumb to the inevitable – the common cold. The question most of us want the answer to is: should I be exercising with a cold?

Tennis players – the fittest athletes on the planet


I really believe tennis players are the fittest athletes on the planet.
Okay, I am talking about the elite tennis players. Those guys and gals who play the international circuit and are ranked in the top 50-100 places in the world but, even so, every tennis player can follow an elite athlete’s training programme, even if they cannot hit the sweet spot or smash a winner every time.

Review of the year


It’s been a great year for members and guests at Kelsey Kerridge Sports Centre. In this review of the year, we take a look back at some of the things that have been going on in the busy Cambridge sports and fitness centre.

Rope Training

Christmas gifts for fitness enthusiasts


It’s the festive season and the time of year when we should be kicking back, chilling out and spending time with family and friends. What we don’t want is for Christmas Eve to arrive and we are still trawling the shops searching for presents. Avoid that last minute panic over Christmas gifts with our ultimate guide to Christmas gifts for fitness enthusiasts.

Christmas Image