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Health and fitness

Defy the cold weather

Health and fitness

We also know from hard experience, an hour spent doing strenuous exercise on a cold winter’s evening not only serves you well when it comes to long-term fitness goals, but it also makes you feel pretty pleased with yourself instantly.

Exercising with an injury

Health and fitness

The advice when you have an injury is to rest and allow the injured body part to recover. However, there are many situations when it is possible to continue to exercise while isolating the inured part.

It goes without saying, if you have been advised by a medical professional to stop exercising then that should be your course of action but if you have a minor injury, such as a broken finger or a sprained toe, then there are ways to work around this. 

Why we exercise II: Anaerobic fitness

Health and fitness

Anaerobic exercise is a higher intensity, higher power version of exercise and it is very effective as a means of increasing your fitness levels.

There is every likelihood that you already incorporate this type of fitness into your training regime, but it is worth knowing a bit more about it. This will help you develop a training plan that is more effective and hits your goals and targets.

Anaerobic training is the exercise that leaves you seriously breathless. It is the exercise that you can only do to a high intensity for a very short period of time. Sprinting, jumping, flat-out cycling, weightlifting – these are all forms of anaerobic activity. 

Stuck for time? Try Tabata

Health and fitness

The saying goes that any work out is better than no workout. When you are stuck for time, sometimes you need a short, sharp workout that will see you physically and mentally satisfied.

This is where Tabata training comes in. This is a form of high intensity interval training (HITT), which focuses on short, sharp exercises. You work at maximum capacity for 20 seconds and then take a 10 second break before repeating eight times in total. The exercises can be adapted to any fitness level and Tabata training has been recognised as an effective way of improving aerobic fitness as well as building muscle and burning fat. 

Lunge Squat

Single-sided exercise

Health and fitness

Single-sided or ‘unilateral’ exercise is when you work on one side of your body at a time. Whether this is alternate leg squats or a single-arm overhead press, by working just one side of your body, you are giving your body a really effective work out. 

Studies show that single-sided exercise helps increase muscular balance, improves core strength and assists in injury rehabilitation. It is commonly accepted that everyone has a stronger side and a weaker side, so by exercising one side at a time, you are not allowing the stronger side to dominate.

Popular fitness activities in the UK?

Health and fitness

More than six million of us grab our running shoes and head outdoors or onto the treadmill at least twice a week. It makes sense. Running is something that most people can do. Whether it is a jog or a full-on competitive run, all people need to get going is a decent pair of trainers and some clothes suitable to run in. 

Marathon Runner

Why we exercise: aerobic training

Health and fitness

In this busy, non-stop world, it is sometimes worth going back to basics and reminding yourself of just why you are regularly turning up at the gym. Just why are we sweating it out in our aerobic training sessions?

Women’s football success calls for high levels of fitness

Health and fitness

For anyone wishing to take up football, or any other team sport, a good level of fitness will put you at a big advantage when it comes to playing the game. Whether you are a recreational player who occasionally joins in for a kick around in the park, or a league player who turns out every weekend, fitness is something you can work on by yourself and really see improvements.

Why reaching your goal is a case of mind over matter

Health and fitness
Woman lifting weights

Functional fitness training: not just for the everyday

Health and fitness

For some people, exercise is a means to an end. It is the way that they stay fit and healthy to perform the day-to-day tasks that life throws at them. This is called functional fitness. It trains your muscles to help you do everyday activities safely, effectively and with little or no risk of injury. A good level of functional fitness means life’s challenges become easy to surmount.