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Health and fitness

Take the plunge and get swimming

Health and fitness

Swimming is so good for our bodies and minds. Among its many benefits, it is easy on the joints; develops our cardio vascular system without putting too much stress on the rest of the body; builds muscle strength; tones muscles; contributes towards the repair of injuries; and helps us maintain a healthy weight.

Women swimming

How to satisfy the running bug?

Health and fitness

Whether it is running on the treadmill in the gym, looking out across the busy day-to-day life on Parker’s Piece or tramping around the streets of Cambridge or doing the Park Run in the grounds of Wimpole Hall – running is an exercise that appeals to a whole variety of people.

Marathon Runner

Add Yoga to your weekly routine

Health and fitness

While there are more than 100 different types, or schools, of yoga, most sessions typically include breathing exercises, meditation, and assuming postures (sometimes called asana or poses) that stretch and flex various muscle groups.

The benefits of Yoga include increased flexibility, increased muscle tone and strength and higher levels of energy. Yoga can also help weight reductions, cardio health and will help protect against injury.

Agility Exercises: helping to keep a spring in your step

Health and fitness

Defined as the ability to move quickly and change direction with ease, this can be applied to both physical and mental fitness. As we get older, or just set in our ways, both mental and physical agility suffers. What is needed is a regular agility work out to keep us up on our toes and sharp in our thinking.

Bootcamp circuit training fitness class

How to hit the weekly exercise target

Health and fitness

We all know that we should be getting at least 150 minutes of exercise a week but how do you incorporate that time into an already hectic life?

Archery hits the health and fitness target

Health and fitness

Archery is going through something of a boom. It could be the sight of Legolas fighting off the hordes of villains in Lord of the Rings or Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games, but suddenly archery is a cool sport.

The benefits of a good pre-workout stretch

Health and fitness

We know we should stretch before we exercise but all too often we either rush through a few quick stretches or we just launch into our exercise routine without giving our bodies that all important warm-up time. Here is our guide to pre-exercise stretching.

Stay strong on International Women’s Day

Health and fitness

The benefits of exercising in cold weather

Health and fitness

In the correct clothing and footwear, exercising in cold weather is completely fine to do. People do get concerned about getting sweaty in chilly conditions, but as long as you are wearing moisture-wicking fabrics, your body will stay at a healthy temperature and will function as it would in any other workout environment.

couple chasing

Sports nutrition: what to eat before and after a workout

Health and fitness

What to eat before and after a workout?

It’s a very common question and, like so much in the world of health and fitness, the question of sports nutrition is one that has a myriad of answers. Much depends on the activity and the state of fitness of the person asking the question.