Running to fitness
We talk a lot about all the different training methods and new ideas as they come into the mainstream, but there is one exercise activity that never goes out of fashion – running.
We talk a lot about all the different training methods and new ideas as they come into the mainstream, but there is one exercise activity that never goes out of fashion – running.
Sometimes you just want to go to the gym and work yourself until you drop. You know the feeling. A hard day at work, a self-critical look in the mirror, a feeling of pent up tension – whatever it is, you just want to leave it all on the treadmill, the weight deck or the gym mat
The difference between conventional weight training and functional fitness is that conventional weight training isolates muscle groups, but it doesn’t teach the muscle groups you’re isolating to work with others. Functional fitness teaches all the muscles to work together efficiently.
Spin classes, boxercise, bootcamp circuits, smash HIT – whatever your thing, group fitness is becoming a huge trend, and for good some very good reasons.
A total body workout using training ropes is the new kid on the block when it comes to building muscle and toning the body, but ropes have been part of the martial arts gyms, boxing ring routine and football training for years.
For some people, cycling is a necessity, a means to get to college or work; for others it is a passion that leads them to ride for hours at the weekends; for many it is an activity that makes up one part of their weekly fitness regime.
If you are a team sport player, speed can be a huge advantage. It could be the difference between winning a 50/50 ball, closing down an attacker or bursting into space which creates a dangerous attack or makes that crucial interception.
Kettlebells are those pieces of gym equipment that you either love with a passion or steer well clear of. Well, I have become a convert and as a result I am going to share my enthusiasm for these unwieldy lumps of metal that seem like a throwback to gyms of the 1970s.
Strong legs are the foundation of good weight training, so why do so many people ignore their legs when it comes to weights? We offer a few words of advice for anyone who wants to build muscle and get fitter.
There will be times when you are not able to go to the gym for a work-out. You might be away with work, time might be against you, you may be on holiday. But no matter, one of the things we like to do here at Kelsey Kerridge, is give you new ideas to help you maintain or boost your fitness levels.
Well, stair-running or tower-running is one of those crazy ideas.