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Top blogs for fitness enthusiasts

The internet is awash with health and fitness blogs. Let’s face it, anyone can be a blogger these days and it is easy to get your words of wisdom published on the web. But, having the time and interest to trawl through the myriad of blogs to find ones that are really useful and/or entertaining is not a luxury available to most of us. So, we have done it for you. This is not an exclusive list and the fitness blogs here are not ranked in any particular order, they just resonate with us as blogs that hit the right note.

1. Born Fitness (
Adam Bornstein is a no-nonsense blogger, whose site Born Fitness looks at topics ranging from healthy meal plans, great workouts, attitude towards fitness and making fitness fun. His blog is relevant to anyone interested in a healthy lifestyle, whatever their level of fitness.

Here are some words of wisdom from Born Fitness: “If you’re like most guys, you treat stretching like hair conditioner: great in theory, but not worth your time. But if you want sleeve-expanding arms, a good stretch is invaluable.”

2. Lift Like A Girl (

Nia Shanks has taken her own life experiences and translated them into this inspiring blog that aims to show women that it is more than okay to lift weights. In Lift Like A Girl she writes in-depth, detailed posts on techniques, training programmes, reaching new levels of performance and adds some honest opinions on topics such as bulimia and binge eating disorders.

Nia says: “Many years ago I experienced a huge transition. I decided that my health and fitness routine would no longer define me, and it wouldn’t control my life. I would no longer be how I ate or my workout schedule. It was time for health and fitness to be a tool that would allow me live a more awesome, fulfilling life.”

3. FitBits (

This blog is for those people who like to see the lighter side of life. Tess Agnew’s blog is not packed with tips on a better technique or how to train for a marathon, but it is an honest account of the highs and lows of staying active and, as such, it is both readable and a blog many of us can relate to.

Tess’s words of wisdom after running the Brighton marathon: “I started to count the number of people I picked off during the last few miles but lost count at 55 and got distracted by a water station. Does that make me an arsehole?”

4. Breaking Muscle (

This is one for the serious fitness follower. Breaking Muscle is jam-packed with advice, discussion, news and reviews about anything current in the world of health and fitness. It is written by a team of coaches, trainers and fitness junkies and is a go-to site for anyone interested in increasing their knowledge around health and fitness.

Words of wisdom: “The majority of athletes set numbers or competition results as a measure of progress. There are two sides to this tendency. Numbers are specific and measurable and you can tell instantly if you’ve achieved them. But sometimes they can create a feeling of failure if you haven’t quite hit them. The goals and targets you set can sometimes take you away from what you actually intended to achieve.
Let’s put it another way. If you had a deadlift target, a half marathon time, or a number of inches to lose and you didn’t achieve them, was this year a failure? In most circumstances, probably not.”

5. Hello Healthy (

This blog is written by the team at MyFitnessPal – the weight loss specialists – and contains great articles and videos on two favourite subjects: food and fitness. The video workouts are really good as they are easy to follow and many of the exercises or workout programmes can be done anywhere with little or no equipment. The recipes are healthy and nutritious and again, easy to follow. This blog is aimed at those who are starting out on an active, healthy life and could do with a regular, friendly dose of advice, ideas and motivation.

Hello Healthy says: “Being accountable and being ready to change means being open. It means being open to eating new foods, trying new activities, and trying really hard to do something amazing in full public view. But that is the only way change happens.”

These are just five of many great fitness blogs, Let us know which your favourites are.